today got amaths..argh.nearly late. mr toh was even later,came at 9.30-.-

after amaths went to cwp to meet up with vivian and chingy,ate at mac,den went to jurong library.omg its like SOOO damn big nice. we search for a space for sometime,then finally settled down. studied for about 1hr+,then they say they wan go shopping.i suggested bishan,then vivian say chua chu kang,cos there got neoprint= =. in the end, guess where we went.

SCIENCE CENTRE!!!!! omG!!!! wth,why we end up there?? ok we went inside,saw all those usual stuffs again,but damn it the games section was removed or sumtin,dint c anytin. they kept takin pictures-.-. after that went back to cwp to take neoprint AGAIN. ok this time is better then yesterday's =D . then took 912 bus with vivian. 1whole round,then i sent her home n walk home myself.


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